
Websites – Off The Shelf v’s Bespoke?


When designing and developing a website it’s tempting to get an affordable, standardised template site that on the surface of it covers the basic things you need. Ultimately though, you have to consider what your website says about you and your brand (if it’s cheap and off the shelf, why would your customer service be…



Alex Evans

Never Knock the Competition

Never Knock the Competition


Never knock the competition. My dad taught me this; he was a star sales rep in the 70s, way before social media made it so easy to do exactly that, but if he were still around, he’d give me the same advice now. In some ways, it’s more true now in this new transparent world…



Sam Ashdown

Estate & letting agents flyer distribution formula


Do you work for, or own your own estate or letting agency?  Are you looking to increase local brand awareness?   Are you targeting more prospective buyers, vendors, tenants and landlords?  If you answered yes to the above then please read on to learn a specific formula we have used for many of our estate and…



Alex Evans

Estate Agents Websites – My Top 5 Tips

Estate Agents Websites – My Top 5 Tips


I’m working on a few estate agents’ websites at the moment, including one for a real estate agent in Chicago. Your website is such an opportunity to showcase your agency and attract new clients, but most agent websites just miss the mark. I’ve put together here my top 5 website tips to help you evaluate…



Sam Ashdown

Ditching print media for digital media – Wise move?


Lisa Markwell, editor of the Independent on Sunday: “We have always found it terribly depressing that people will happily pay £3.70 for an appalling coffee from a take-out place and yet they won’t pay £1.60 or £2.20 on a Sunday for what is in effect a novel’s worth of terrific writing,”. Reading through the headlines and…



Christopher Walkey

Does Your Website Have a £300 million button?


No one likes bad websites. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for in a nano second, you’ll simply click away and find it somewhere else. Your website is great: all the information a potential customer needs is right there at their fingertips, with no need to click onto a competitor’s site. But what…



Sam Ashdown

Property Videos That Sell Houses.


Property Videos And Choosing An Estate Agent Floor Plan Property Videos are a complete game changer.  Gone are the days when a client only had a few Estate Agents on the high street to choose from.  These days there is an almost unlimited choice of agents both web based and office based for a vendor…



Alex Evans

Is it worth investing in a professional office design?


The comments from Jonathan South, MD of the recently refurbished South & Co, Crew clearly shows what a taking the time to have a good design can actually save you time and more further down the line Independent agent creates new branding to set apart from the competition. Jonathan South, the Managing Director at South…



Should you be using floor plans?


I am constantly amazed by the number of agents that still don’t use floor plans, especially for lettings! In my previous life before working with PlanUp, I was often disappointed that most of the properties I was interested in renting didn’t have a floor plan. I had no idea how they were made or produced…



Ditch the Tech

Ditch the Tech!


I conducted a mystery shop this week. I called an agent, and spoke to a lovely lady called Carol. Carol sounded like she was busy. Obviously, she wasn’t just waiting for my call, so no doubt she was doing something important like answering emails, writing property details or updating the company Facebook page. But I…



Sam Ashdown

Property for sale

The reality of online lead generation and why your housing stock is in decline.


The business of selling, letting and managing properties is a very competitive one. Working with Estate agents for about 12 months ago, there has been two main areas of complaints. One is a decline in their housing stock and the other is finding new vendors and landlords using social media. Digital marketing is definitely a challenge for…



Alex Evans

How should an Estate Agent use video on their website?


Video is the next big thing for marketers. Its usage has been growing year on year and its popularity amongst consumers will only continue to grow in 2016. To give you an idea of the level of success companies have been having with video content, social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images…



Alex Evans

Algorithmic, a more Facebook-style feed to Twitter is coming?


Many attentions have been grabbed in the world of Social Media following the news being leaked out about Twitter looking at turning their much loved social media platform in to a more Facebook style model… Many have not been too impressed. I would say, Twitter stands out for me when it comes to marketing a…



Christopher Walkey

Landlords: How to get more from your property.


For a lot of landlords renting out a property can be a big investment. You will want to get your property out there and make as much profit as possible. So if you find yourself asking “How do can I increase my income from my rented property?” – take a look at our tips below….



Alex Evans