Software & Tech

How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Agents?


By Richard Murray, CEO of Veco™ and Matt Chubb, Chief Technology Officer of Razor AI is already an unstoppable force in the UK economy, with recent research from Tech Nation showing that there are 1,200 AI companies, with a collective turnover of $2bn in 2021 – a 600% increase in the number of firms in…



EAN Content

TwentyEA’s AI & Machine-Learning Modelling For Instructions Celebrates Five Year Milestone


New research from leading proptech business, TwentyEA reveals that despite the fact that available stock is the lowest since 2008, estate agents only need to target 10% of the off-market properties in their area, to communicate with over 60% of the people who will sell their house in the very near future. TwentyEA is celebrating…



EAN Content

When Should Marimekko Charts Be Used?


A Marimekko chart, also known as a Mekko chart, is a graphical representation of statistical data. It displays data distribution by showing the median, quartiles, and extremes. The Marimekko chart is named after the Finnish designer Marimekko, who popularized the design in the 1950s. So, when should Marimekko charts be used? There is no definitive answer…



EAN Content

new build homes colchester essex

Top 3D Building Design Software for Your Project


What is the best method to become a professional in architecture, building, and construction? This is one question that lingers in the minds of new or starter architects. Well, there is no shortcut here: you need to amass the right skills, especially the ability to focus on details. More importantly, you need to have the…



EAN Content

The Best Real Estate Affiliate Programs that will Help You to Earn in 2022


Overview We have seen the growth of affiliate marketing over the years. Especially after the 2020 epidemic when covid 19 pandemic hit the world. The people started to do online shopping, due to the lockdown across the country and world. This has increased the market size of the affiliated marketing. Along with that, it has…



EAN Breaking News

Why Your Real Estate Company Needs IT Services


Just like most businesses, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the IT support that your company will need. However, there are some industries like real estate with a competitive and fast-paced market, and there’s no room for downtime or lost documents. Technology has helped us change the way we do business, and it allows our…



EAN Content

The Real Estate Companies that are Utilizing Blockchain Technology to Boost The Market Sector


Overview Do you want to buy a rental house or your dream home? You can buy that easily with your cryptocurrency, Yes, at present it is possible to buy properties with cryptocurrency. In fact we have seen that some blockchain based real estate is already gaining massive popularity among the masses, if you wonder why?…



EAN Breaking News

Is It the Right Time for Cryptos to Enter in Real Estate?


Overview We all can see the rise of cryptocurrency, the popularity that the crypto market has gained has made the market value roughly around 2.5 trillion USD. You will be surprised to know that it is little less than the economies of a few countries. This shows that digital currencies have massive respect and popularity…



EAN Breaking News

Top Body Worn cameras 2022

Body Worn Cameras for 2022 – Audax 20-1


Video cameras are everywhere today from CCTV following us when we are out shopping to the dashboard ones recording our driving skills. We must not forgot that nearly all mobile phones we carry around with us have video cameras ready and waiting for that next TikTok video to be recorded as well as our laptops…



EAN Content

Choosing the Right Social Media Platform as Twitter for Your Small Business


One size does not fit all Good advertising skills don’t exactly mean you would have had to earn a bachelor’s degree on the subject, however, it does require a knowledge of the different platforms that are out there in social media. Your Twitter followers will get stronger and bring some profit in future. It is…



Christopher Walkey

How To Reset The Laptop From One Key Recovery?


Branded laptops that come pre-assembled always consist of an available laptop reset program which is created to back up the operating system and restore the computer to its initial setting. This is extremely useful when you face a blue or black screen that implies either freezing or crashing of the system. One such solution is…



Christopher Walkey

How Can 3D Architectural Rendering Services Boost Real Estate Marketing?


The real estate market in the United States has an easy entry point. The constant need for housing and properties makes it easy for entrepreneurs, homeowners, and other entities to buy, sell, lease, or rent out properties. While the easy entry means consistent growth for the 2.5 trillion Forbes-estimated industry, it means fierce competition for…



EAN Content

Editor’s Thoughts – What Is Accucities?


When not Editing, my day job at Proptech-PR is to ‘Grow Proptechs’ which involves dealing with different verticals in real estate, one of our clients is Accucities, run by Sandor Petroczi and Michal Konicek which has over 1,800 projects under their belt. A vibrant London based 3D city modelling company, with clientele of architects, developers,…



Andrew Stanton

Theneurosphere and Theneurosphere SYPWAI project


The secret of the SYPWAI project implementation technology The SYPWAI project was founded by one of the famous companies in the world of science – Theneurosphere. The team of scientists gained wide popularity thanks to the victory in the competition for a grant of more than $ 90 million. They were able to present their…



EAN Content

How to Protect Yourself from the Latest Phone Scams


The call seemed “official,” after all, the Caller ID said “Internal Revenue Service.” The caller identified himself as “agent (name), with a badge number. He assured you that there was an error on your previous year’s tax return that resulted in an amount that you owed of $2,840 – and more importantly, if you didn’t…



EAN Content