Pros and Cons of Living by the Seaside


I write this article as an owner of a property by the sea. Just a few minutes walk away are the golden beaches of the east coastline that graces Essex with its presence. Where we live the property are well spaced out so that though we are 700 metres from the sea front, we can…

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Money Laundering in the Property Industry

Long gone are the days of slapping down on the table a wod of cash and expecting the estate agent to count it then hand you over the keys when purchasing a property. Who, what, where, when and why is most certainly the questions you will need to ask today and rightly so. Though it…

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Why are some property listed as POA?

what is price on application

When searching through property listings you are for sure going to come past some with POA stated instead of a price. So, what does POA actually mean? It is simply an abbreviation for Price on Application. Why is the price not stated and instead it says POA? This can be for a host of different…

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Bank of England Raises Interest Rate to 1%

bank of england interest rate

A tweet out from official Bank of England Twitter account stated: “Higher energy and goods prices have pushed inflation to 7%, and we expect inflation to rise further to around 10% this year. We’ve put up interest rates to help inflation return to our 2% target. We may need to increase interest rates further in…

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Easy Ways to Add Style & Appeal to your Property

Whether it’s because we are planning to sell our property or simply want some design ideas to bring life and character back to our home, how our property looks can greatly effect our moods and its appeal. What simple and relatively economical actions can we take around our homes to improve the visuals – Here…

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How to become an Estate Agent

Up and down the country there are thousands of estate agencies with many times more that estate agents working in this business sector. A perception of what an estate agent is can sometimes be far away from what the role actually entails, so my first recommendation is to investigate the industry and the role in…

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8 Must Action Twitter Tips for Tweeting Success

I love Twitter personally and just in the last few days, boy oh boy has it got interesting thanks to @ElonMusk! For me, Twitter is the breaking news channels, the place for quick fire debates, feedback, comments and much more – It is vibrant, alive and kicking even though it has over the last couple…

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How Important Is Public Image In The Property Industry?

Most people have a deep routed physiological need to be liked, it’s hardwired into our brains to want to be of acceptance, so it’s no wonder that so many people fail in creating their own successful businesses. Good or bad, your public image will determine how people engage with you, if you have a great,…

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Why some Historic Buildings have Bricked Up Windows

Have you ever seen an historic building that appears to have one or more of the window openings bricked / blocked up? These are usually neat in how they appear, rendered over neatly as opposed to breeze blocks with untidy mortar joints, though nonetheless quite evident that within the original build of the house there…

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Dampness in Your Property and How to Treat it

A worrying site for buyers and certainly a concern too for homeowners / tenants will be the appearance of dampness. Sometimes we can confuse dampness with more pressing concerns such as leaks (roofing / water pipes) or accidental spillage such as tea spilt on the floor above and leaked through to ceiling below. Dampness is…

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Common Plumbing Issues with Quick Fixes

When we suddenly get a plumbing issue at home it can be very stressful and it is highly likely we are going to have to call upon the services of a plumber or even have to use the emergency plumber option – Both are expensive and if we try to put off any plumbing issues…

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