
Why you Don’t need an App


Where’s your phone, right now? I bet that it’s not more than three feet from you; am I right? And there’s around a 50% chance that you’re even reading this post on your phone. When I reach for my computer to search for something on the internet, around 50% of the time, that computer is…



Sam Ashdown

Is there a future for traditional estate agents?


If you are a traditional estate agent I’ve come across a survey and report, you must read. I say ‘must’ in a pushy way as the report from Rix & Kay Solicitors LLP is in my opinion essential reading for estates agents who are worried about the threat from online only agents. It could very…



Jerry Lyons

What do you DO?


What do you say, when someone asks you “What do you do?” Do you reply, “I’m an estate agent”? Or perhaps you say, “I work for Downtons”? Or even, “I help people move ”? Perhaps what you say isn’t as important as how you feel when you reply.  I’ve heard agents pre-empt any cruel barbs…



Sam Ashdown

How UK estate agents can use banners


Marketing is an important part of the job for a real estate agent. Not only to capture new clients who want to sell a house, also to contact possible buyers. In an increasingly competitive commercial market, it is important to get your business out there and be different from competitors. It is easy to only…



EAN Content

Does Your Website Have A £300 Million Button?


No one likes bad websites. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for in a nano second, you’ll simply click away and find it somewhere else.  Your website is great: all the information a potential customer needs is right there at their fingertips, with no need to click onto a competitor’s site. But what…



Sam Ashdown

How to make money from being a full time Blogger


It seems to me that I have been blogging for most of my working life and it has in-deed played such a big part of my working life combined with social media, video and photography – I have always loved to grab content and to share it online and this is what has led me…



Christopher Walkey

Are you Ready to Learn?


When I deliver training, or make a presentation, the majority of my audience is there to learn.  Willingly, and gladly. I can tell which ones are: they are the ones sitting forwards, their body posture is open, and they’ve got their notepad and their pen at the ready, to scribble down any words of wisdom,…



Sam Ashdown

Approximately 4 million blog posts are published daily – How will yours stand out?


The internet is awash of past and ever increasing new content from websites to tweets, blog posts to videos which makes it more important than ever that you attempt to make what you share stand out from the crowd. Once your content is published it simply joins the long list of choice people have to…



Christopher Walkey

Your 3 Lists to Freedom


Do you believe that you are literally the only person in your business who can do things the right way? You’re not alone.  I recently wrote about how to delegate, as it’s something small business owners really struggle with. If you’re an independent, single-office agency, then you have no doubt had to be Jack of all…



Sam Ashdown

Estate Agent Communication is Changing


I took my daughters to London this weekend.  They made complex arrangements to meet various friends, at several different locations, throughout London and Surrey over the two days.  What is perhaps notable, is that all these arrangements were made without actually speaking to anyone – their entire agendas were accomplished via iMessage, text, Snapchat, Whatsapp,…



Sam Ashdown

Marketing must have’s estate agents need for 2018


Hello Folks, Here’s a video on the four marketing must have’s estate agents need for 2018. I also unearth the phrase that makes me punch myself in the face when I hear it. The link to it is below.   Thanks for watching.



Jerry Lyons

How do you engage with your Social Media audience?


As someone who not only trains and mentors Estate Agents, I also run a franchise for a large, local, independent Estate Agent: Edward Mellor. Those that can do. Those who can’t teach. Those that know me, know that I embrace #PropTech especially when it frees an agent up to engage with their customers and I…



Nigel Stephens

7 Steps to Grow Your Agency


What prize-winning pumpkin farmers can teach us about growing our agencies I’ve just read this book –  The Pumpkin Plan. In it, author Mike Michalowicz, reveals how applying the secrets of prize-winning pumpkin farmers to business, can help you to grow your agency to a colossal size too. Just as almost every pumpkin farmer grows…



Sam Ashdown

Roll out the Red Carpet


Last weekend, a friend and I met for tea and scones in a lovely country pub close to where I live.  As we entered, the hostess – Holly – greeted me warmly by name, and found us a comfy sofa to sit on, despite it being really busy, and throughout the time we spent there,…



Sam Ashdown

Below is a blog which was my most widely read in 2017.


When it went online it had more hits than The Beatles, Elvis, Beyoncé and Sir Cliff Richard combined (it’s getting near Christmas I can mention Sir Cliff surely?). It had the highest open rate of any of my emails sent to my estate agent database. And it got shared on social media more than any…



Jerry Lyons